Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Bottle of Two Halves (Title c/o TBC)

Where do you start? Tara Street Dart Station where most of these stories begin is probably a good point. After some tardiness,frenzied phonecalls and multiple pick-ups , we were on our way. The first Prazskys of the season where not too long away.

The first time doing anything always involves minor hiccups and this trip was no exception. Some missed turns, a dwindiling alcohol supply and general bad directional sense insured raised tensions. But after a trip down a darkened country road, the floodlights came into sight and our final destination was but moments away. Surely nothing else could go wrong????

Then the predictable "Oh God it's Rovers" factor kicked in and we were ushered from pillar to post with all hope of a gargle seemingly lost. But night is darkest just before the dawn and dawn appeared in the form of a silver streak upon a pink horizon. Next thing we know, we are in a luxurious clubhouse ordering the finest wines Italy and Wexford have to offer. Finally were home. Full of vino and safe from the elements with the linesmans Miss's for company.

The game was instantly forgetable. The hospitality shown by the people at Wexford Youths will live long in the memory. The trip home was as colourful as usual. To quote one of our guests "A great bus. There's no rows and no one robs your gargle". Thanks to Mick Wallace and everyone who looked after us in Wexford.

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